Ubuntu Completely remove windows 7 ult x64 w o live CD

Ubuntu Completely remove windows 7 ult x64 w o live CD


Finally I want to ditch windows completely but after googling I found that to remove win7 from dual boot Ive to use live cd/usb, But I dont want to download 700MB+ again. Is there is any other way?


Yes, you dont need to download a live CD. You can do it from Ubuntu with Gparted software which can be found in software center. Just go to gparted after youve downloaded it and installed it. Delete the windows partitions which are usually ntfs file systems and go to the command line and run: sudo update-grub or sudo update-burg whichever one you use. It should only show you your linux partitions.


This is not a direct solution but to avoid such a big download you can use something like GpartedLive which is very easy to use and wheights 191MB as of today.

You can find it there : http://gparted.org/download.php

Another way around is to download a very lightweight distribution (50MB) and partition using the utilitaries available in this one (if any I am not sure)


Try this link - How to remove Windows from Within Ubuntu. Always back-up important data before doing anything like this!

Note:If u also have question or solution just comment us below or mail us on toontricks1994@gmail.com

go to link download